
Players in 2009 Lighthouse Country Tournament

Page history last edited by Robert McFetridge 15 years, 2 months ago


Registrations for 2009 Lighthouse Country Tournament

Early Bird registrations only available until August 7.  Starting August 8 fees will be $15

The Wilson Clan has entered a formidable team.


  1. Fuerst, Lucette from Nanoose Bay
  2. Rudge, Bill from Parksville
  3. McFetridge, Robert from Bowser
  4. Wilson, David from Qualicum Bay
  5. Patterson, Roger from Victoria Chess Club and president of BCCF
  6. Wilson, Kelly from Qualicum Bay
  7. Wilson, Chris from Bowser
  8. Wilson, Clayton from Bowser
  9. Pauls, Wes from Bowser
  10. Cao, Jason from Victoria
  11. Wilson, Bryce from Qualicum Beach
  12. Plantinga, Brendan from Abbotsford
  13. Green, George from Bowser
  14. Hoekstra, Jelke from Courtenay
  15. Cruden, Neil from New Zealand
  16. Ness, Ed from Deep Bay
  17. Boyle, Philip from Chemainus


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